Is Farmington Rotary important to you? Why? Why are YOU a member of this club? What inspired you to join?
Please consider sharing your "Rotary why." You are an influential member of this community and sharing your Rotary experience can inspire someone else to become a member of this club.
Both active and honorary Rotarians are asked to help with a new campaign using a series of posts to our website and public Facebook page. If you're reading this, it includes YOU. Barb is doing the heavy lifting on this project and it will only take about 5 minutes of your time.
Each post will feature a different club member and a short statement about why you are a Rotarian. This can be a short video clip of you talking about Rotary; or it can be a picture of you (like a headshot) or a picture of a past Rotary activity/event (with you in the picture), along with a few sentences.
Here are a couple of prompts to help you decide what to say:
*I am a Rotarian because...
*My Rotary club helps Farmington by...
*Being a Rotarian is awesome because...
You don't have to write a paragraph, just a sentence or two. Think of it as trying to encourage one of your friends to join our club. What would you say to them?
Barb asks us to send our picture and sentences, or short video clip, to her by mid-January. SUBMIT YOUR "WHY" HERE
Thanks for your help with this important project, and for being such an important member of this club. You are appreciated!